GreenTech startup technologies

In-Demand Software Technologies for GreenTech Startups & Renewable Energy Providers

5 min read
January 23, 2023

As technological advancement continues its relentless quest forward, Clean Energy software and Green Energy tech have evolved to better support GreenTech startups, sustainable energy providers, and businesses seeking to optimize their Information Technology and sustainable development processes. 

CleanTech trends and solutions include low-carbon technologies, renewable energy, electric vehicles, energy consumption management, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), and green materials. 

GreenTech startups, renewable energy providers, and environmental companies benefit from using a partnership approach to sourcing tech talent. Beetroot offers businesses the Dedicated Team Model, which simplifies the talent recruitment process, leaving you more time to focus on other business processes. 

The Clean Energy Boom

The Clean Energy Boom exploded in 2020 and is projected to continue and become more robust in the coming years as more companies get on board with Green Technology and renewable energy solutions. Many companies are shifting to renewable energy software and Green Energy tech to satisfy customer demands and governmental regulations. 

However, the results of CleanTech can’t be ignored. We’ll see more companies joining the push towards clean energy to take advantage of the results, including increased efficiencies, lower maintenance costs, increased machine life span, and increased revenue. 

In 2022, emerging markets increased their reliance on clean energy following the post-pandemic surge in oil prices and the Russian war in Ukraine. This further accelerated the move towards sustainable energy technology as governments sought ways to power and heat their countries that were formerly reliant on Russian oil. 

Renewable Energy Software Solutions

Innovation in Clean Energy software and Green Energy tech has rapidly accelerated in recent years, particularly in GreenTech startups seeking to pioneer the market and be the first or one of the first to successfully produce the Next Big Thing in sustainable energy technology.

The following Green Energy software solutions are some of the most significant in the Clean Energy software industry and innovations to watch for as we move toward an increased focus on Green Technology development. 

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence by machines, particularly computer systems, used to handle complex processes and solve problems that typically require human input, such as data entry, aggregation, and analysis. Another common way for businesses including GreenTech startups to use AI is automating repetitive tasks. A large, interdisciplinary field, on a basic level, Artificial Intelligence is the use of computers and machines to perform tasks that formerly required human intelligence and active input. 

Examples include:

  • Automated Decision-Making: Such as preventative maintenance of a photovoltaic (PV) plant; Environmental impact analysis of sustainable energy sites such as solar and wind farms
  • Risk and Opportunity Analysis: Including image recognition; algorithms to identify possible risks and opportunities of a potential project; creating preliminary cash-flow models
  • Supply and Flow Management: AI and Machine Learning (ML) to forecast generation; schedule maintenance and manage power flows; predict demand and network load
  • Power Output Prediction: Such as using AI systems to predict short-term power output based on wind forecasts; maintain grid stability and dispatching; optimize plant availability, and schedule maintenance
  • Smarter Economics: Such as using AI models to combine ML weather models, historical datasets, and real-time information from local weather stations, satellite imagery, cameras, and sensor networks; enhanced forecasting for more efficient management of conventional generators; cost reduction of starting and shutting down units; adapting output to changing weather conditions for optimized use of plants

Internet of Things (IoT)

The Internet of Things, or IoT, is the network of smart devices and other physical objects containing sensors, software, and other technologies that enable them to connect to and exchange data with other devices and systems via the internet. IoT provides seamless communication between people, processes, and things with minimal human input. 

Examples include:

  • Digital Twinning: On an IoT platform, digital twinning refers to a virtual representation of a physical asset, such as a machine, a vehicle, or a device. With digital twinning, sustainable energy companies can view machine operations, use the virtual model to simulate unique machine conditions, and retrieve the future state of machines via modeling  
  • Smart grids: Advanced power systems that use digital technology to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the electrical grid. IoT devices, such as sensors and smart meters, can be used to monitor and control the flow of electricity in real-time, allowing for more efficient distribution and use of renewable energy sources.
  • Machine Monitoring and Product-Quality Monitoring: With IoT-empowered technology, machines can be continuously monitored to ensure they’re operating within required tolerances; products can be monitored remotely in real-time to identify and address quality issues
  • Ring-Fencing: Physical assets can be tracked remotely, ensuring high-value assets are protected from theft and tampering by external threats. With IoT-connected fleet logistics and ring-fenced assets, CleanTech companies can also improve efficiency and safety processes 

Data Science (Analytics) 

AI-powered analytics is a subset of business intelligence that uses ML to produce insights, find new patterns, and uncover relationships in the datasets. AI analytics automates processes that a data analyst would perform. 

Examples include:

  • Predictive Maintenance: Conditions of company equipment are monitored to estimate when maintenance will be needed
  • Data Usage Patterns: The life span of solar panel technology and other Green Energy tech can be extended by optimizing maintenance and operational efficiency
  • Forecasting Demand: AI-powered forecasting can reduce errors in supply chains by up to 50%
  • Business Monitoring: Businesses can monitor everything from customer experience to revenue and cost, improving customer satisfaction, reducing churn, and increasing revenue
  • Predict Weather Conditions: Sustainable energy companies can predict weather conditions based on data regarding weather, environment, and atmospheric conditions
  • Aid Regulator Decision Making: Helping regulators to make more informed and sustainable energy-comprehensive decisions
  • Digital Asset Management Platforms: Simplify the management of digital assets, including Green Energy software and sustainable energy technology 
Beetroot green tech software

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing provides on-demand delivery of IT resources via the internet and is typically priced with a pay-as-you-go model. Businesses can scale Green Tech infrastructure more affordably with cloud computing, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS). Businesses operating with cloud computing can access increased computing power, data storage, and databases without owning or maintaining their own physical servers and data centers. 

Cloud computing is especially beneficial for Green Technology, and renewable energy providers with plants and machines in remote, difficult-to-reach locations, ensuring consistent operations monitoring that makes efficiency and maintenance scheduling possible without on-site personnel.   

Examples include:

  • Data Collection: With cloud computing software, data collection is simplified, along with analysis and reporting
  • Storage Monitoring: Monitor your data storage and access data remotely via a smart device
  • Machine Analytics: A common use of Cloud Computing is to monitor machine analytics, increasing the efficiency of Green Tech software and other sustainable energy technologies
  • Battery Aggregation: multiple smaller assets can be combined to act as a larger asset for the provision of specific sustainable energy system services

Application Development 

Renewable energy software application development enables and simplifies sustainable energy operational processes, facilitates remote monitoring and technology operations, and enables clean energy and technology solutions to better serve and communicate within their industry. 

Examples include:

  • Smart Energy Monitoring Systems
  • Inverter Intelligent Monitoring Systems
  • Custom Renewable Energy Management Solutions
  • Energy Mobile App Solutions
  • Carbon Footprint Monitoring Apps
  • Waste and Recycling Apps
  • Apps to Track Water Usage
  • Community and Environmental Awareness Apps

Beetroot’s Benefits for Clean Energy Startups

GreenTech startups and other businesses seeking to scale their tech teams will benefit from partnering with a dedicated team provider like Beetroot. Our solution for acquiring top tech talent for our partner organizations is our Dedicated Team Model. 

The Dedicated Team Model makes it easy to hire top Green Technology software engineers that are sourced, vetted, and administratively managed by the Beetroot management team. We handle every aspect of their employment, other than day-to-day tasks dictated by your company, as talent integrates into your existing team. 

At Beetroot, we focus on providing sustainable initiatives that match and augment our partner companies’ environmental mindfulness and sustainability goals in Green Energy tech and sustainable energy production and provision. We understand that overcoming talent gaps is a struggle for many GreenTech startups and companies seeking to scale up their teams, and countless companies are vying for top tech talent that you need right now, not next month or next year. When scaling up teams, there are already not enough hands on deck, and talent recruitment can be incredibly challenging. 

To be truly sustainable and reach Green Energy goals, your team members must share your organization’s values and ideals to help you achieve sustainability goals. Beetroot partners with like-minded businesses, creating a unique synergy and providing your organization with top tech talent that shares similar goals, values, and ideals, helping to position your company’s scale-up for success. 

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